Sunday, September 18, 2011

Three New Goals

My FYS class has prompted me to pick three goals from a list of goals that my classmates and I have produced from our reading of The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin. Because college automatically forces young adults to change in several ways, these goals should actually be fairly easy to accomplish, due to the fact that I am already changing, as opposed to just being stuck in my old ways.
            The first goal that that I chose was: study for classes. Now, this may not sound like much of a goal, as it is expected of all college students, but it is definitely a goal of mine. Even though college students are expected to study, the percentage of those who actually study is most likely much lower than what is expected of them by their professors. I studied for the first couple of instances earlier in the school year already. All throughout high school, things always came extremely easily to me, so I never studied or felt the need to study.  The closest I came to studying in high school was cramming during the first minute of class while the teacher was taking attendance. This means that I will most likely have to change my ways in order to be successful in the coming years of college. I have already studied for a quiz using flash cards, and although it felt different, I actually studied, and I feel like this is definitely a goal that I can accomplish.
            The second goal I chose was: be more open to others as well as comfortable with yourself. I chose this goal because I feel like it is something that will help me gat acclimated to college life. I interpreted this goal to mean that if I take more pride in myself and who I am, then it will be easier to be more open to others, because I’ll be so comfortable with myself. As applied to college, I think this means that if I do the things I like and act the way I normally act, then I will find new friends, and my college experience will be that much more enjoyable.
            Last, but not least, my third goal: clear your mind of negativity and focus on the positive. I chose this goal, because it seemed like an obvious goal to choose. If I can somehow convert the negative aspects of life into positive aspects of life, then it seems like a pretty safe way to be happier throughout my time at college. I know from personal experience that working out is a great way to clear my mind of negativity, because instead of thinking about what is going wrong in my life, or what I need to do, I just focus on my workout. The most effective workout for clearing my mind would definitely have to be yoga, because you can’t think about anything else but the task at hand. Technically, you’re not supposed to think at all, which is why yoga can be so effective. If I can treat my life like a workout, and focus on the task at hand and clearing my mind of everything else, I think college will be a lot more enjoyable.

If I look for fitness, or health advice, I usually turn to Tony Horton (the creator and leader of P90X) or Beachbody (the company that makes the P90X workout program). This is an example of how yoga has proven to be beneficial, physically and mentally.

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